Message from our Commodore
All Events Cancelled Until Further Notice:
Seattle Singles Yacht Club, in accordance with Governor Inslee’s recommendation, has cancelled all of its scheduled meetings and events until further notice. This is following the announcement of the cancellation of the Tacoma Yacht Club’s Daffodil Festival as well as the 100th year of Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day of Boating festivities.
Stay tuned for updates via email, Facebook and our SSYC website ( The SSYC board will be working to create ways for our members to stay in touch in the interim, while the world comes together to stem the COVID-19 virus. The board welcomes any ideas you have on how to be “social” while following the instructions of our government officials. If you have a great idea, feel free to share it with us at
Until we meet again in person, please stay safe, and stay in touch. We are all in this boat together.
Georgia Selfridge
Commodore Seattle Singles Yacht Club