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  • Fri, September 18, 2020 1:28 PM | Deleted user

    Are you as excited for our upcoming Northwest Harvest Benefit Race as we are?

    Here's a mention of our upcoming fund raising event in an article by Bruce Hedrick on

    Bruce’s Briefs: Wx for 18, 19, 20, and 21 Sept. It’s raining, FINALLY!

    Interested in racing with us? Deadline for entries is Wednesday, September 23rd.

  • Mon, August 31, 2020 10:15 AM | Deleted user

    As the state and boating begin to open up, SSYC skippers are acting in a responsible and compliant manner in taking their boat out on the water.

    Join us at our virtual Monday Meetings for skipper announcements of upcoming trips.

    As always, please join in the fun as a skipper or crew at your own comfort level and your own discretion. Please follow any Skipper instructions, including those regarding masks and social distancing.

  • Wed, June 03, 2020 6:12 PM | Deleted user

    SSYC is now meeting virtually as we continue to follow the guidelines of the governor and health officials.

    Join us virtually for our weekly meetings and Happy Hours.

    And, coming soon when allowed, in person socially-distanced boating excursions.

    See our calendar for all the details and follow us on Facebook for the latest information.

  • Mon, June 01, 2020 1:49 PM | Deleted user

    What Some Yacht Clubs Have Done to Bridge the Gap

    Dear Joe,

    During these extraordinary times, some people in the boating community have come up with unique ways to bridge the gap until they can all be back together on the water again. Seattle Singles Yacht Club is one of these yacht clubs that has found ways to stay connected to each other off the water.

    SSYC members have decided now is a good time to become better boaters and even better friends. On Mondays, you will find thirty or so of us winding our way through a Virtual Boating Trivia game, led by our Commodore. It is specifically designed to increase the club’s nautical knowledge. To feel more connected to boating and each other, we also share “sea stories” from past adventures and recent news about our lives.

    Read more in the 48º North digital magazine

  • Wed, April 01, 2020 8:16 PM | Deleted user

    Message from our Commodore

    All Events Cancelled Until Further Notice:

    Seattle Singles Yacht Club, in accordance with Governor Inslee’s recommendation, has cancelled all of its scheduled meetings and events until further notice. This is following the announcement of the cancellation of the Tacoma Yacht Club’s Daffodil Festival as well as the 100th year of Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day of Boating festivities.

    Stay tuned for updates via email, Facebook and our SSYC website ( The SSYC board will be working to create ways for our members to stay in touch in the interim, while the world comes together to stem the COVID-19 virus. The board welcomes any ideas you have on how to be “social” while following the instructions of our government officials. If you have a great idea, feel free to share it with us at

    Until we meet again in person, please stay safe, and stay in touch. We are all in this boat together.

    Georgia Selfridge
    Commodore Seattle Singles Yacht Club

  • Mon, November 04, 2019 11:22 AM | Deleted user

    Northwest Harvest Benefit Sailing & Partying to Beat Hunger

    The 27th Annual NW Harvest Race to Fight Hunger, sponsored by the Seattle Singles Yacht Club, brought 23 boats out on the water, including a TP 52 (the first one that’s every participated in this race!), a trimaran, and several schooners. How many races can boast that kind of variety?

    Read more in the 48º North digital magazine

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Seattle Singles Yacht Club
2442 NW Market St., #432
Seattle, WA 98107

SSYC is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 

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